Support us!

It is our concern to secure the cultural and natural heritage of the Upper Triesting Valley for us and future generations and to make it accessible to a wider public.

Our activities focus on:

  • Preservation of monuments and historical buildings and maintenance of the natural heritage
  • Transfer of contents from culture, history and nature
  • Scientific research

Therefor we need the ideal and material support from as many people as possible.

We invite you to support us:

  • Membership: as a member you either take an active part in our projects or support us materially by paying a membership fee.
  • Stifter/in: durch Leistung eines erhöhten Mitgliedsbeitrags helfen Sie uns bei der Realisierung von Projekten und genießen zahlreiche Vorteile und Vergünstigungen.
  • Donations: with your donation you do not only support us in the fulfillment of our tasks, but you also make an important contribution to the preservation and care of our cultural heritage!
  • Companies: we offer your company tailor-made partnerships that enable us to cooperate with you.

Our Supporters

Supporting Members