My heart´s project
Dear friends,
since my youth I have dreamed of the revitalisation of the former Benedictine monastery (Klein-) Mariazell in Austria.
With the renovation of the basilica and the re-foundation of the monastery of the SAM FLUHM brothers, this has already partly become reality.
Now I have half a century of my life behind me and another dream is coming true:
The old wine cellar of the monastery, built in 1753 and destroyed after 1964, now shines again in its old splendour – thanks to tremendous efforts of our association „Mariazell im Wienerwald“ in the last years.
We are still facing great challenges due to the high investments, and the next major project in the form of the revitalisation of the castle park is also just around the corner.
My birthday wish therefore to all those who feel connected to me: please by all means refrain from wreath and flower donations or gifts of any kind!
If someone would nevertheless like to make me happy, then I would be extremely pleased if this could be expressed by joining our „familia Cellensis“ or our association „Mariazell in the Vienna Woods“.
This would not only be a beautiful outward sign of our solidarity,but also a great support for my heart’s project „Mariazell in Austria“:
> An ordinary membership of 30 EUR per year does not cost much, but achieves a lot.
> Supporting memberships starting at 200 EUR per year or
> Endowments from 300 EUR per year are tax deductible as well as donations from 100 EUR (AT 12 3204 5000 0252 8917, BIC RLNWATWWBAD, Mariazell im Wienerwald, PAYPAL).
Apart from that, however, the greatest joy for me is that so many friends and nice people have crossed my paths and enriched my life in the past half century – a big thank you to all of you!
I am very happy when we can toast to this at the big celebration in the newly renovated Stiftskeller in Klein-Mariazell!
With warm greetings
Aktuelle Projekte
Von der Ruine zum Blickfang
Unsere Unterstützer und Unterstützerinnen
Fördernde Mitglieder
- Fa. Ecker GesmbH
- Mag. Dr. Thomas Hanke
- Prof. Mag. Elisabeth Hauberl
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Holotik
- Edith Laurent
- Gen. Dir. i. R. Hon.-Prof. Dr. Lorenz Mikoletzky
- Dr. Reinhard Mundschütz
- Prof. Dr. Franz H. Oswald
- Ingeborg Sziederits
- Dkfm. Gerhard Wasshuber
Stifter/Stifterinnen der ersten Stunde
- Prof. Dr. Franz Eckert, Diakon (+ 2017)
- OSR Helmut Jandl, Bgm. a. D.
- Dr. Walter Lattenmayer
- Mag. Dkfm. Gerhard Wasshuber
- Dr. Martin und Sonja Prokopp